Case study
Cooperation of Sygnity and Michael / Ström Brokerage House – effective support of client’s accounts with Sidoma Web
Sidoma WEB is a web application for brokerage houses, which enables investors to operate independently their brokerage accounts and trade financial instruments.
The client
Our client is a dynamically growing brokerage house Michael / Ström offering financial instruments (mainly bonds and investment certificates) and providing corporate finance and investment banking services.
The main business need of Michael / Ström was efficient acquisition, remote support of retail customers and efficient sale of financial instruments. The client was looking for a secure, effective and intuitive tool helping in winning new customers.
As part of this project, the client, in cooperation with Sygnity, developed the Sidoma WEB application which enables investors to access a wide range of information and self-service brokerage accounts, including trading in financial instruments through a browser.
Our role
Our task was to provide an ergonomic and attractive application interface, while maintaining a high level of security and reliability. We wanted the application to be flexible and easy to adapt to changes and new legal regulations.
For the purposes of implementation, we formed an implementation team consisting of epresentatives of both parties. The solutions and functionalities developed were provided to the customer on an ongoing basis in accordance with the agreed priorities, thanks to which the functional scope of the implemented system increased regularly until it reached its full assumed functionality.
Selected functionalities:
- Easy and intuitive online opening of an investment account;
- Easy access to integrated and detailed information about the account and the financial instruments purchased through the Brokerage House;
- Detailed account history (including investments, orders and login history);
- Handling of a broad spectrum of public offerings (including individually targeted offerings), and providing the possibility of executing orders on the stock exchange and over-the-counter market;
- Review of stock exchange listings;
- Efficient management of bank accounts, simple handling of deposits and withdrawals from the account;
- Intuitive and fast modification of personal data;
- Possibility of surveying clients (in accordance with: MIFID2, FATCA, AML).
Thanks to Sidoma WEB
Michael / Ström Brokerage House:
End user:
Increases the range of operations
by eliminating the need for physical contact between potential clients and employees of brokerage house. Increases sales of investment products through the use of electronic distribution channels.
Communicates more efficiently with clients
through individually targeted offers, automatic messages and notifications.
Reduces service costs
thanks to automation, the number of operations performed by the user through electronic communication channels has increased.
Has better access to investment products
thanks to application working in real time, end user won't miss any offer directed to him.
Has greater control over own investments products
faster response to market changes thanks to notifications
Unlimited access to a brokerage account
exactly when needed. Access to services online without the need for physical contact with a brokerage house employee.
Business benefits
Thanks to Sidoma WEB, Michael / Ström brokerage house:
Increased the number of brokerage accounts
Changed the service model
thanks to which it not only reduced costs but also enabled clients to access their brokerage account from any location and at any time
Intensified the scale of communication
addressed to clients.
Reaches clients more effectively
with new offers and products through in-app notifications.