Electronic questioning of debtors’ accounts
A system was created as a result of digitalization of banking inquiries system and bailiffs’ activities according to the requirements, and in view of communication platform OGNIVO 2 being made available by the National Clearing House. Modern solutions and module constructions made, that the system not only fulfils the basic assumptions of information exchange, but also automates a lot of processes as well as is able to integrate with other already implemented systems.
Shortening the processing time
due to automatic writings for many examples of messages.
A possibility to choose any application module
according the needs of a Bank.
Organized service
tens of thousands of bailiff activities.
Controlled and transparent way of fulfilling banking law obligations
in the field of bailiff activities.
System makes it possible to receive, process, and generate answers to messages sent by the National Clearing House (KIR) about debtors’ accounts, accounts of deceased persons, enforcement proceedings.
Solution is easy to parametrize and integrate with other systems. There is a possibility of a phased implementation tailored to the Clients’ needs.
a possibility to ask questions about banking accounts of debtors, making it possible to receive answers from an authorised institution (bailiff, court, prosecutor and so on) to the question about the account of a defined legal or natural person in this institution
a possibility to obtain information about all accounts of a person in national banks and credit unions that is included in Central information about the accounts of deceased persons maintained by National Clearing House (KIR).
a possibility to send to the National Clearing House enforcement seizures.

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
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