Account information access service, customer knowledge base
Acquiring access to data from a contractor’s account history (a service available in banks not only in Poland, but in the whole EU region from 14 September 2019), creates new opportunities:
offering a wider range of products and offers,
presenting an offer that corresponds to his financial abilities,
limiting risks of not paying obligations.
Current knowledge of transactions carried out by the Client, combined with additional analysis based on expenses structure during the last 90 days, can reduce the credit risk not only on the bank`s side, but also on the side of the direct provider of services and products.
Access to data from account history allows companies that did not have access to bank data sources (Office of Credit Information), or had to pay for obtaining information, to carry out introductory evaluation of financial possibilities of a contractor by themselves, and then send a processed application to a financial institution.
E-commerce companies or companies from the financial services sector have, in many cases, a history of previous transactions with the client, so that data can be used for going through the process of evaluating creditworthiness, or suggesting additional goods and services, or exchanging for a product of a new generation.
Sygnity S.A. offers applications that meets the requirements stated in PSD2 Directive and in so-called RTS, in a range that allows to realise Account Information Service (AIS) – a service for accessing information about the account. The processes are realised in accordance to PolishAPI specification, which allows access to those banks functioning in Poland that implemented it in their information systems. Using PolisghAPI specification is not mandatory, but it should be assumed that most of banks will use interfaces in accordance to that specification.
For companies that are interested in collecting data about account history from foreign banks, we offer modules for establishing a session with ASPSP (XS2A) and module forsending requests and collecting account history in accordance to Berlin Group and Open Banking UK PSD2 specification.
We offer software with dedicated XS2A interface, which will realise all predicted by PolishAPI specification processes, completely according to it and with a guarantee of security during realization.
Establishing an access session to an account (XS2A)
A process of establishing a communication session with XS2A interface includes requests and replies transmitted between TPP and ASPSP while using technical service of this interface (AS – Authorization Service), effect of which is creating communication session on the side of ASPSP and transmitting to TPP its technical representation, including metadata like the time of its validity.
Taking into consideration a specific character of performed activities and risks connected to granting services of accessing information on the account, Sygnity application ensures a specific prudential system for producers of those services, fulfilling all requirements connected, for example, with the process of certification and authentication included in PolishAPI specification. Establishing a communication session is based on assumptions of OAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration standard.
Collecting data from history accounts
A field of available information, according to PSD2 Directive cannot be smaller that in transaction system which is used by a client. In practice, it means that the company with AISP status can know the history of an account as well as all details of specific operations (among others, data, recipient or transaction amount).
Application will make it possible to obtain the following data from client’s account:
- transactions executed on the account
- transactions waiting on the account
- transactions rejected on the account
- transactions annulled on the account
- transactions planed on the account
- blockages on the account
- specific individual transactions/blockages
Additionally, it is possible to define parameters for filtering collected data, specifically:
- starting date of transaction of a required range of data
- finishing date of transaction of a required range of data
- starting accounting date of a required range of data
- finishing accounting date of a required range of data
- transaction category – CREDIT or DEBIT
- minimal operation amount in the required range of data
- maximum operation amount in the required range of data
TPP company taking the role of AISP can require a bank to send payment account history and chosen information about payment account, not more than 4 times during 24 hour period from sending the first question in the case of consent granted by a client in bank for a specific subject, till the moment of its withdrawal or termination.
Additional modules for data analysis
We offer modules that based on the defined algorithms are able to prepare reports for interested clients, predict or score evaluation of people who gave their consent for data collection about their accounts from different banks (ASPSP). Detailed range of analysis, especially the module for score evaluation, as well as presenting proper product offer based on the results of that analysis will be realised together with experts from a company that uses Sygnity S.A. application.
Sygnity S.A. offers full support
on the analysis stage, defining specific functionality for the Client, followed system implementation, making sure that it fulfils all requirements from PSD2 Directive, Law on payment services and other legal acts that can influence its current functionality.

Sygnity S.A.
Office Building Adgar Plaza B
Postępu 17B
02-676 Warszawa
NIP: 586 000 52 93
phone (+48 22) 290 88 00
fax (+48 22) 290 88 01
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