Case study
How the Janus system has helped our Client increase the number of vehicles served at the production facility from 200 to 400 per day?
Pobierz Case Study

The Janus platform enables effective and fully automated vehicle management within an industrial plant and a comprehensive implementation of all logistics processes. It helps to reduce losses caused by ineffective traffic control on the plant premises, improves communication with drivers, as well as the loading and unloading process.
The Client
Our Client is one of the largest in Poland and Europe producer of fertilizers and chemicals. The company manufactures and sells its products directly or through business partners, serving – depending on the market segment – to several dozen percent of the Polish market. The Client also sells products on the global market.
The main business need of the Client was both to improve vehicle traffic at individual serving points and to increase the number of served vehicles from 200 to 400 per day, which would enable significant increase in sales. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to automate vehicle serving processes, including automatic weighing as well as check-in and check-out processes.
An additional goal was to centralize logistics in one system (including transfer of selected functions carried out hitherto in various systems).
To conduct this project, the Client chose one of Sygnity’s solutions – the Janus platform, that enables effective and fully automated vehicle management within an industrial plant and a comprehensive implementation of all logistics processes. It helps to reduce losses caused by ineffective traffic control on the plant premises, improves communication with drivers, and the loading and unloading process.
The role of Sygnity
Sygnity’s task was both to develop and implement an IT system that would support handling of logistics processes and to deliver and implement devices automating vehicle weighing on the entry and at the exit.
Cooperation process
The project was efficiently implemented, among others, thanks to our standards developed over many years of practice and a very good cooperation with the Client’s team.
We created a team of several members composed of representatives of both sides. The developed solutions and functionalities were shared with the Client on a regular basis – as a result a functional scope of the implemented system was steadily increasing, until full planned functionality was achieved. It was important to us that business representatives also participated in the meetings, so that they could present their system requirements on an ongoing basis.
The implementation was delivered in three phases:
Phase I: Development of the business concept of the solution, including the collection and analysis of functional and equipment needs (duration: 2 months).
Phase II: Development of the interfaces for SAP and notification system, with the comprehensive delivery handling. After this stage, the system fully supported most of the planned business processes (duration: 6 months).
Phase III: Implementation of the weighing automation (duration: 6 months) – with a self-service system for the drivers.
Effects of the implementation
Thanks to the implemented system the Client:
- plans the transports more efficiently, as a result of i.e. splitting orders over deliveries (with their complete handling within the Janus platform) or managing product indexes and routes;
- automated weighting of the vehicles during entry to mand exit from the premises, which significantly shortened the time of serving and eliminated double handling at the gates (security and weighing process);
- reduced losses caused by ineffective traffic control, i.a. by optimizing the number of vehicles waiting and reducing the driver’s total waiting time from registration to departure;
- communicates with drivers more effectively via SMS, CB, e-mail, led boards (with the possibility of generating messages in the national languages of the drivers);
- improved the flow of information (including information that enables booking of the goods release upon the departure of vehicles from the industrial plant);
- gained greater control over the released goods by collecting detailed data about loading times, transits, and the weight of incoming and outgoing vehicles;
- automated the reporting process (also thanks to the functionality enabling sending reports in the form of e-mail attachments to the defined recipients).
Beneficiaries of the implementation:
Owner / shareholders – thanks to the platform the owners have more control over the business, what results in reduction of losses caused by ineffective management of vehicle traffic on the plant premises.
Drivers / Carriers / Forwarders – thanks to efficient communication and the possibility of self-service, the whole vehicle serving process on the company’s premises is significantly improved, which translates into an increase in the efficiency of transport handling.
Sales and logistics departments – the system provides current information on the status of transports, which allows reporting of any differences between released goods and sales orders.
Accounting – by accelerating the circulation of information about the released goods and products, invoices can be generated right after the transport leaves the industrial plant.
How to increase the number of vehicles served at the production facility from 200 to 400 per day?
Pobierz Case Study